Office and Admin Work Relationships

The Top 5 Coworkers You Want In Your Office

Written by Miranda Pennington

While we all have coworkers we gripe about, try not to sit next to, and resent for their success (or lack thereof), satisfaction studies have shown that most of also value those relationships as much as any other in our lives. Full disclosure, I met my husband at work. When I told him about this post he asked what dream coworker category I’d put him in, and was not pleased when I created Dream Coworker

That being said, here’s a list of the most in-demand employee archetypes to have on your roster.

Dream Coworker #1: THE INTEGRATOR

Consulting and auditing firm Deloitte identified “Integrator” as a most desirable personality pattern; integrators are the ones who wrap their brains around an issue and gather the team they need to crowd source a solution. They are known for empathy, a nuanced understanding, and needing some quiet time to process.

Dream Coworker #2: THE INNOVATOR

The Innovator is the one who’s constantly looking for a new way to do things; some employers find this type of worker frustrating, because they have a system and it’s been proven.

As a sometime innovator myself, I would suggest that once you’ve identified an innovated staff member, try to find some room to let them play. This may require some flexibility on your part, but if you can get them on your team, you may find efficiency and productivity are the positive results.

Dream Coworker #3: THE ADVOCATE

Advocates are the ones who speak up—they identify needs, allocate resources, manage difficult circumstances, and probably belong in customer service. They also make great peer reviewers and mentors for younger employees, because they can see both sides of an issue and care about those they supervise.

Dream Coworker #4: THE BRIDGE

Jokes aside, this is actually the category the guy I married belongs in—he has a knack for keeping track of all the pieces of a project and knowing who should work on each piece, has a huge professional network, and is generous about connecting projects with freelancers. And he’s not too hard on the eyes either.

Dream Coworker #5: THE PIONEER

Do you need someone to generate new ideas? Adapt to evolving conditions? Do you always keep the big picture in mind? Pioneers in the workplace are the ones who bring a lens of their own to their work—and the benefits for you may be exciting, fresh ideas. Try to recognize them when they cross your desk!

The 5 Types of Coworkers Who Can Make Your Work Life Infinitely Better

Read More at Fast Company

About the author

Miranda Pennington

Miranda K. Pennington is a freelance writer and editor whose work has appeared on The Toast, The American Scholar, and the Ploughshares Writing Blog. She currently teaches creative nonfiction for Uptown Stories, a Morningside Heights nonprofit organization. She has an MFA from Columbia University, where she has also taught in the University Writing program and consulted in the Writing Center.